I Beat My Heart - 2014
Mikrofon, Mischpult, Lautsprecher, Kabel, Stativ
Microphone, mixer, speaker, cables, tripod
Exhibition view:
Performance I Beat My Heart - AEG Nürnberg
Performance I Beat My Heart - AEG Nuremberg
„Now, it’s very funny how we use the word “I”. If we just refer to common speech, we are not accustomed to say “I am a body,” we rather say, “I have a body.” We don’t say, “I beat my heart,” in the same way as we say, “I walk, I think, I talk.” We feel that our heart beats itself, and that has nothing very much to do with “I”. In other words, we don’t regard “I”, myself as identical with our whole physical organism, we regard it as something inside it. And most Western people locate their ego inside their heads. You are somewhere between your eyes and between your ears, and the rest of you dangles from that point of reference.“ — Alan Watts, Myth of Myself (Vorlesung)
Die Performance I BEAT MY HEART überträgt den Versuch, das eigene Herz bewusst zu steuern, in eine Ausstellungsform. Dabei sitzen die KünstlerInnen nacheinander in einem kleinem Raum, abseits der Ausstellung, aber dennoch betretbar. Am Hals ein Mikrofon, welches den Herzschlag aufnimmt und an zwei Lautsprecher leitet, die sich im größeren Ausstellungsraum befinden. Die Schlagfrequenz verändert sich mit den emotionalen Zuständen der PerformerInnen, auch in Begegnung mit den BesucherInnen, und wird mittels Atemtechniken bewusst erhöht oder gesenkt.
In Zusammenarbeit mit Stefania Daskalaki, Hansol Kim, Julia Liedel, Olesia Vitiuk
The performance I BEAT MY HEART translates the attempt to consciously control one‘s heart into a form of exhibition. The artists take their places, one after the other, in a small room, adjacent to the exhibition, but still accessible. They have microphones around their necks that record their heartbeats, which are relayed to two speakers located in the larger exhibition hall. The pulse rates change with the emotional state of the performers, also when they interact with visitors, and they consciously increase or decrease their pulse rate using breathing techniques.
In cooperation with Stefania Daskalaki, Hansol Kim, Julia Liedel, Olesia Vitiuk